Introducing Shop 'Til You Drop
Converting from older versions
Data maintenance
Editing prices from the till receipt
Undoing shopping list optimization
Printing the price comparison form
Database maintenance
Click on the Sequence sub-tab.
The shopping list prints items in the order in which you normally walk around a shop. So that Shop 'Til You Drop knows what that order is, you use this page to set up the aisle sequence.
Select the shop which you want to edit from the list at the top-right.
Each shop aisle is assigned to an available category. Categories can be edited on the categories page.
To add an aisle to the shop drag from the Available categories list into the Aisle sequence list. The new aisles will be inserted into the sequence list at the point where you drop them, indicated by a horizontal line. You can select more than one category by using the Ctrl key or the Shift key.
To delete aisles, drag them from the Aisle sequence list into the Available categories list. You can select more than one aisle by using the Ctrl key or the Shift key.
To change the sequence of aisles already in the Aisle sequence list drag them up or down the list. You can select more than one aisle by using the Ctrl key or the Shift key.
You can also change the aisle sequence on the floorplan page.
The Aisle sequence list will display a small yellow square next to each aisle which appears on the floorplan. This is useful to check that all aisles have been placed on the floorplan.
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