Introducing Shop 'Til You Drop
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Editing prices from the till receipt
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This page allows you to add / edit / delete items.
The Category, Product type, Unit of measure, Brand, Size, Price and Shop boxes will always display the details of the currently selected item from the list.
You can change the order in which the items are displayed by clicking on a column heading.
The Unit of measure is the same for all items which are of the same Product type.
To add a new item, select the appropriate Category from the list or type a new category into the box. Select the appropriate Product from the list or type a new product into the box. Select the appropriate Shop from the list. Type the new details into the Unit of measure, Brand, Size and Price boxes and click on the Add button. The new item will be added to the list. Note that changing the Unit of measure of an existing product type will change it for all items associated with that product.
To change the details of an existing item, click on the item that you want to change in the list to select it. If necessary, select the appropriate Category from the list or type a new category into the box. If necessary, select the appropriate Product from the list or type a new product into the box. If necessary, select the appropriate Shop from the list. Type the new details into the Unit of measure, Brand, Size and Price boxes and click on the Change button. Note that changing the Unit of measure of an existing product type will change it for all items associated with that product.
To delete an item, click on the item that you want to remove in the list to select it and click on the Delete button. Note that the product type associated with the item will not be deleted.
It is possible to rename a single product type by right-clicking on it in the Product type list and choosing Rename from the pop-up menu. Note that this will also rename the product name for all items associated with this product type.
It is possible to delete a single product type by right-clicking on it in the Product type list and choosing Delete from the pop-up menu. Note that this will also delete all items associated with this product type.
The reason that the product type and unit of measure are separate from the item details is so that similar items (of the same category and product type) can be compared later on when optimizing the shopping list. For instance, having just entered an item as brand = "St Ivel Shape", category|product = Yoghurt/Cream|Yoghurt, size = 4 pots, price = 0.99, you might also want to add an item which is only a single pot of "St Ivel Shape" yoghurt (maybe you don't want to buy 4 pots at once all the time). By selecting the same Yoghurt/Cream|Yoghurt category|product combination for the new, size = 1 pot item, Shop 'Til You Drop can compare the price per pot of each item. So if the price for the 1 pot item is, say, 0.32 then the program will be able to tell you that, in the long term, buying the 4 pot item is cheaper than buying 4 of the 1 pot items.
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