Shop Til You Drop manual

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Shop 'Til You Drop

Getting started

Introducing Shop 'Til You Drop

How Shop 'Til You Drop works

Clearing the sample data

Converting from older versions


Data maintenance

Editing categories

Editing shops

Editing items

Editing the shopping list

Editing prices from the till receipt

Editing shop aisle sequences

Editing shop floorplans

Copying a shop

Optimizing the shopping list

Viewing optimization details

Undoing shopping list optimization

Deleting unused product types


Printing the fridge list

Printing the shopping list

Printing the master item list

Printing the price comparison form

Printing a shop floorplan

Setting printer options

Database maintenance

Repairing the database

Backing-up your data

Restoring data from a backup


Setting options

Exiting from the program

Checking for program updates


File menu

Edit menu

Tools menu

Database fields

System requirements

Version information

Terms of use

How to get support

Ordering / registration

Optimizing the shopping list

This tool finds the cheapest priced items in the database for the shopping list.

Shop 'Til You Drop analyses each of the items on your current shopping list and compares them with any other items of the same product type from the Items page.

There are two types of optimization available:

Cheapest trip - Creates the cheapest possible shopping list based on the required product quantities. This option may select a different item from a different shop if it is cheaper than the item currently on the shopping list.

Cheapest items - Chooses items which have the lowest unit cost, eg. 1 x 12pack @ 1.99ea instead of 2 x 4pack @ 0.80ea. This option may increase the shopping list cost and quantities but will select the cheapest unit.

Display details - Select this option if you want to display full details of the optimization afterwards.

After carrying out an optimization it is possible to undo it if you are not happy with the choices made.

See also